Competitions are a much-loved feature of the club's calendar. Qualified external judges give positive criticism of members' entries and there is a definite air of friendly rivalry. Here is a quick round-up of our competitions for this season. The results of the competitions will be published here with details of winning entries after each judging session. Download the seasons competition summary here.
​26th September 2024 - Autumn Open PDI
Judge: David Jordan FRPS
17th October 2024 - Scape PDI
Judge:  Carmen Norman ARPS
​7th November 2024 - Urban/Street PDI & Print
Judge: Mike Lloyd
​5th December 2024 - Nature PDI & Print
​​12th January 2025 - Triptych PDI & Panel Print
Judge: Chrissie Hart ARPS DPAGB
​30th January 2025 - People PDI & Print
Judge: Roy Essery MPAGB
​20th February 2025 - Mono PDI & Print
Judge: David Steel DPAGB
​20th March 2025 - Scape Print
Judge: Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP
​27th March 2025 - Close Up PDI & Print
Judge: TBA
3rd April 2025 - A45
Judge: Nick Akers ARPS BPE3
​10th April 2025 - Spring Open Print
Judge: Tony Bramley
​8th May 2025 - Ruby Chalice
Judge:  Ken Payne
​22nd May 2025 - PDI & Print of the Year
Judge: Wayne Davey DPAGB AWPF BPE4
29th May 2025 - AGM + Sweetman & Newton
Judge: BSEPS Members
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